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Arrow 6x06 Oliver Queen convinces DEATHSTROKE(Slade Wilson) not to KILL his own son Joe Wilson.
Arrow 6x06 Oliver & Slade talk
Arrow 6x06 Team Arrow + Deathstroke & son fight scene
Arrow 6x06 Slade leaves
Arrow 6x06 Slade Wilson leaves to go find his sons
Arrow 6×06 Slade talks to his son/ Flashbacks
Arrow 6x06 Team Arrow fight scene
Arrow 6x05 Oliver gives Slade the bad new of his son + Slade flashback
Arrow 6×05 Slade finds out about his son/Flashbacks
Crossover Elseworlds Kane Wolfman, Deathstroke's son
Arrow 6x06 Ending scene Oliver is back Diggle comes clean about his problem